Our company serves carriers for more than 20 years offering the full range of services, which every airline may find necessary for its presence, operations and activities on a given market. Our most important customers are : Lufthansa, SAS and last but not least Charter carriers. We are present at the fastest developing regional airports in Poland : Wroclaw (WRO) and Poznan (POZ).
Beta is composed of two legal entities which are:
Beta Travel Lufthansa City Center
- tickets counters at the airports based on IATA license or direct agreement with the airline
- irregularity handling (service for passengers required according to EU261 regulation)
Beta Consulting offering airline supervisory support such as:
- carrier representation
- quality management at destination
Further details may be agreed according to carrier requirements, as we always want to investigate the individual needs of a certain customer, and tailor our offer to the unique preferences.
The experience that we have assimilated during the 20 years of presence on Polish aviation market, allowed us to understand the specifics of ground handling activities in all its appearances and rules of cooperation between the carriers and ground handlers.
If you are interesting inn our service please contact us by e-mali: beta@betatravel.pl